This session we continued to talk about Biobusiness Revolution, focusing on Agriculture and Environment. The topics we discussed were GM foods, biotechnology and farming methods and algae biofuels.
World hunger is one of the biggest problems being faced by us, and will continue to remain a problem if measures are not taken to correct it. There is enough food being produced for the total population, but yet thousands of individuals in under developed countries die of starvation each day. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, "There’s enough on this planet for everyone’s need but not for everyone’s greed". The problem lies in the distribution of food in these famine stricken areas.
The paper I read about World Hunger stressed on the fact that if farmers continued to use traditional/natural farming methods, the mushrooming populations need would not be met with. In order to feed the world of 62 billion, biotechnology would have to be adopted. Affluent countries are pro 'natural methods' of farming, but these 'natural methods' cost way too much, and therefore are unaffordable for the poor nations. We watched a video (Sir Norman Borlang) that reiterated this view.It was about the importance Green Tech and Plant Biotech is for sustainability of mankind. I quote what Prof said, " When we grow the resources we need, we will attain sustainable development".
We then went on to talk about GM food and how the US is against labeling food as GM or natural.This is unethical. Consumers have full right to know whether what they are consuming is genetically modified or not. What happens in cases where the consumer is allergic? It was surprising to know that kiwi, nachos and yogurt is genetically modified and not natural. I have been eating nachos all my life without knowing this!
Lastly we discussed about algae biofuels. Algae could be used to create biofuels, hence reducing dependency on fossil fuels. In current times of high oil prices, competing demands between foods and other biofuel sources, and the world food crises, this technology has and will help firms in the future tremendously.
Id rate this session a 10 on 10 since I got to learn a lot of interesting things. I was complelled to research on Algae Biofuels and the different GM foods, which gave me an insight into Biotechnology.
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